I have a handful of friends who I know I can turn to who have been there for me through thick and thin and I know will be there till the end. We have shared good times and bad, and I feel thankful to have these special people I call my friends in my life.
Here is a poem by Emily Bronte entitled Love & Friendship, the words of which are very true:
Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly’s sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green.
I would like to dedicate this weeks Gallery entry to my friend Kimberly, who I have been friends with now for almost 24 years. She is an amazing person – she has the biggest smile which lights up a room and her laugh is infectious; she is such a beautiful woman.
We became best friends at school – I had just moved to Devon and started at a new school but she and I soon hit it it off. In fact I think I stayed for 4 Saturday nights in a row at her house when we first became friends – nothing to do with the fact that her Mum worked at a bakery back then and used to bring lots of cakes home!!
She is such a great friend that she was present at the birth of my son last July. Kimberly is currently training to be a midwife, but I would have asked her even if she was not, because I knew she would be fantastic and she was. Near the time of having to ‘puuuush’ she was telling me some jokes that we used to find funny at school – they may not have seemed quite so amusing at that point but I appreciated the sentiment! Lets face it she has seen me at my worse and my best now. After Burton was born, she even helped shower and dress me – what a star 🙂
Here she is with me and Burton shortly after he was born:
here we are outside of a maternity room taken a couple of years ago at another friend’s wedding – we always have such a good time together. This is how I see Kimberly – one big smile 🙂
So Kimberly, this is to say thank you for being you and for always being there when I need you. Thank you for being my friend. Love you xx
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Thank you xx
Thank you xx
Awwwww.. Such a lovely post! Thats so wonderful of her to help you shower and everything after Burton was born. Jon bless him was in too much shock after seeing all that blood/Oli come out of me to even go near my body!
Great Post!! 😀 xx
Very sweet, from reading your post I can see she really means a lot to you 😉
That is a fabulous post 🙂 Jen
What a lovely post and a wonderful friend.
Nickie @ Typecast
Lovely story 🙂
That’s such a wonderful story of friendship – I love the look on her face in the first picture. Those baby boys sure know how to captivate the ladies 😀
Crystal Jigsaw
Those are fabulous pictures, obviously a very special friend.
CJ xx