1. Lovely post! My Grandma and I write letters to each other about once I month. I know she loves receiving them. She is the only person I write to now though. Everyone else gets an e-mail which is not quite the same. I agree that letter writing should be encouraged in children. Good luck doing that with Burton when he’s a bit older and thank you for highlighting an important issue.

  2. Grerat post, thankfully G really enjoys writing at the moment heres hoping it carries on. Think I might look into getting him a pen pal though I had one as a child also and it was great!

  3. TheBoyandMe

    Yep, they are taught how to write letters, although they are of the formal style, e.g. a persuasive letter putting forward their thoughts (in Year Six). They aren’t taught informal letters because it’s not in the National Curriculum. Rulebooks!

    I had penfriends too, I used to be a member of that international penpal service which would match up people all over the world. I had one in Australia and Sandrine in France. We wrote for several years. I wonder what happened to them?

    I’ve started writing thank you letters on behalf of The Boy for presents, and when he’s old enough he’ll write them himself.

    Great post, thanks for linking up to ShowOff ShowCase!

  4. Kerry Farrow

    I love a letter – post is my absolute thing. I wait for the post to come with excitement everyday! If you wanted to make my day post me a letter! I think it is a time old tradition that is going, and I really support the writing of thank you cards. I think little ones get so much these days, that it is good to get them to thank and acknowledge how lucky they are! I always remember having to write thank you’s as a girll and moaning to Mum about it…and her saying that I could write less if I had less presents, it was my call! Well obviously I was for the presents….especially if they were posted! x

  5. Mummymatters

    This is a complaint me and Hubby have had with today’s methods of schooling. On the one hand they tell us our son’s writing isn’t as good as it should be and on the other, they encourage him to do all of his homework and projects on the computer. We’re mean parents, we make him do writing all the time at home and in the school holidays we encourage him to write a daily diary just to keep practicing his writing. Its a dying practice, not good!

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