So here I am writing my first blog.
It so happens that today is only the second time that I am without my 9 month baby boy. Since having him, he has only spent one day apart from me and today is his second.
I know he will be fine and is probably having a lovely tine with his Grandma and won’t give me a second thought, but it is strange not having him here at home with me.
On the walk home after dropping him off, all I saw were other mummies pushing their buggies and I felt kind of naked without mine! Popping into a well know high street retailer to buy lunch was much easier to get around without B in his buggy and was certainly quieter (he normally sounds like the crazy frog!) Plus I was able to take my time – something which I had forgotten about as normally I rush around grabbing thing for my basket to get through the check out and out as fast as possible in case B starts getting grumpy and cries for me to get a move on! Also I could walk through the store more easily without bashing into the merchandise or fellow customers! (buggies should display the ‘L’ sign to warn people to move out of my way I am coming through!).
So as I bring this first blog to a close, I note that I only have 4 more hours to go and then B and I will be reunited once more. An hour later after food has been flung on me, him and the floor; and when he winges when I leave him on the rug to pop into the kitchen; and when I am woken up tomorrow morning at stupid o’clock, maybe then I will wish I had enjoyed this home alone time more 🙂
I am linking this up with TheboyandMe ‘s Show Off Showcase link
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Thank you xx
Thank you xx
Aww, lovely 1st post! I feel naked when ever I go out without a pram! I’m just so used to always pushing something or holding him or juggling things in my hands which I wish I had more then 2 of!
I hope you enjoyed your baby free time 🙂 Emma x
Love the photo lil munchkin! I always miss my two boys when they are with their nanna but I have learn to enjoy the free time too lol x
I know exactly how you felt – still feel that way when mine aren’t here and they’re 5 and 8!
Suzie @nowriggling
What a lovely photo! I am finding lots of these first posts really interesting. Thanks to blog gems!
Oooh, this happens me too. I look forward to the me time so much and then when I have it I miss the kids like crazy and when it is all over I wish I had made better use of it *sighs* The joys of parenthood 😀 Thanks for joining in Blog Gems. Jen
Mummy Manda
What a great first post! Hasn’t b grown too, I bet j’s nearly as big as b in this photo. It’s comforting to know that we all feel the same when this situation arises, although I do need to learn to slow down when they aren’t with me – wise words. Xx
Elaine Livingstone
well its now 18months later, are you still as reluctant to let him go. first time I left mine (about 7 months old) I phoned every half hour to check she ok!! came by from show off show case
Love the though of Burton sounding like crazy frog!  I’m still no good manoeuvring a buggy!  Ha now you have a buggy and a toddler though – bet one buggy seems easier now 🙂
Awww look at him!! 🙂 So so cute and love that shirt. Im at that stage now… Baby z is 8 months and flinging food everywhere! Lovely first post.
oh wow, so much has changed in your life since you wrote that…..lovely picture of Burton. I never seem to make the most of time without the kids either, it’s just nice to enjoy the peace & quiet sometimes
Erica Price
I know how you felt (and probably still feel). Henry is now 4 and a half and about to start school, but I’ve got used to having my little companion around. It always feels strange when he’s at preschool and will probably be really weird at first when he’s at school. I’m assuming that I’ll get more used to it as time goes on, although he’s been going to preschool for a long time already.
Alli M
Mad how you now have 2 little boys – double trouble.
Why is it us Mum’s crave for me time but then when we get it we don’t know what to do with ourselves?
Multiple Mummy
How things have moved on for you from this post. You also forget how easy things are with one. I think because it is first time we panic more. Even now if I don’t have the children with me I feel naked. I don’t think you ever lose that feeling, but you do learn to indulge in the free time more. x
The Boy and Me
God that sounds familiar; a little me time and what do we do, spend it blogging! Hope you’ve had a bit more me time since!
Thanks for linking up to ShowOff ShowCase.
I don’t mind him staying away now he often has a night every couple of weeks at my mums now. I don’t cry when I leave him now, that’s for sure ! Thanks for stopping by x