What Would You Leave Your Pet In A Will?

When it comes to making a will, it is actually a bit daunting. It is something that my OH and I have discussed a few times, but as of yet I have not made one, and I am not sure what he has done about making one either!


To be fair my will would not be very exciting, because I do not actually own very much  in the way of valuables, and I certainly do not have a lot of money saved up to pass on to my boys. My boys are my most valuable assets  to be honest, and this is why making a will is so important. 

On the flip side of this, to many people their most valued possessions are in fact their pets. I have heard numerous stories over the years of people leaving huge sums of money to either their pet animals or to animal sanctuaries!

Imagine, if you will, that you needed to make a will for your pets. What would you leave behind for them either as a reminder of you to them, or to make their lives better once you were gone?

I have three pets in total – well when I say ‘I’, I actually mean ‘we’ as they are family pets.  We have Copper our almost one year old puppy, we have Tilly our cat and then there is Goldie the goldfish who has defied the odds and is still alive after fours years of owning him/her. If I where to leave a will for each one then this is want I would decree:

Goldie – for you I would leave someone to come in and clean your tank better and more often than I have.

Tilly – for you I would leave an endless supply of Felix fish flavoured cat food  as this is your favourite, and the duvet from the spare bed to sleep in, seeing as though you know when I have washed it , and lie on it and make it all hairy and bitty from your outdoor escapades!

Copper – for you I would let you have my spot on the sofa, seeing as though you are not allowed to sit on it, yet whenever I leave the room you sneak up and I catch you lying there looking guilty when I walk back into the room!

I asked some fellow bloggers what wills they could compose for their favourite animal friends,  and here is what they told me:

I would leave Delilah (a dog) my sofa since she loves reclining on it and sits on it more often than I do

I would leave money on my will for him (the dog) to have a jar of peanut butter a month as he loves a teaspoon of it in a Kong as a treat. Hoping he’ll remember me as he eats it.

My boy (a dog) loves his food, chasing seagulls and a warm lap to sit on. I’d have to work something out to incorporate these elements to make him happy.

Here are some more crazy examples of there pets have been left huge sums of money in their decade owners’ wills


So whether you wish to leave a will for your pets or just your loved ones ion human form, don’t delay get one made sooner rather than later. Use an experienced company such as thelawhouse.com who can guide you through the paperwork, offer advice and answer any questions you might have regarding safeguarding your assets and those who you leave behind who may benefit from them.

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