What’s the one thing you can’t live without on your summer holiday?


So it is that time of the year again when people are jetting off for their holidays. Companies like LetsGo2 have some fantastic offers all year round, so it is not surprising that we Brits love to get away for some much needed TLC abroad. Well, not everyone because I will be staying at home for the holidays, but let’s be honest ‘most’ people do take their annual holiday over the next 6 weeks.  Suitcases will be packed and there is never enough room to fit everything in, but squeeze it in as best you can anyway. The amount of times I had to re pack my case is comical really, when I look back at holidays taken in my 20’s!

However, what is that one must have item that you have to take with you on your holiday? What is the one thing you cannot live without? I asked some fellow bloggers what theirs would be:

After sun lotion! I am useless and always burn despite using SPF30 or higher… 

My sunglasses! I don’t know if it’s because I am pale but sun glare really hurts my eyes! 

 Bite cream, I’m like a chocolate bar to those little b******s

I am assuming you don’t mean cocktails?

Colouring book and pens in my bag. Honestly it keeps Erin happy where ever we are. If we are eating she just sits and colours in. Also pack of cards for older two, we play card games at bars etc

Personally – sunglasses as I am just too sensitive to light and my camera. For the family – the card game Uno – we play it everywhere.

A good book and all of the above!

Blister plasters, aloe after sun, SPF 50 and my baseball cap

Water bottle, so easy to get dehydrated in the sun that having a drink on hand is a necessity

Oh gosh I feel so bad but my iPhone – it’s still my lifeline (my clock, my alarm, my camera….)

Oh for me its a small cross body bag, I have a couple of them, and I swear by them for hols. I always have my sunglasses, small tin of lipbalm, sun cream, my credit card, camera and some money. Then no matter what I have all that I need in an emergency Amanda

Wifi. Sorry to be so shallow but it’s true. I am a news junkie and like to keep in touch with “the outside world”.

 My Kindle – I love to relax with a book on holiday 

 A hat as my head burns really easily where my hair parts! 

Oh for me it to be a pack of playing cards…so simple and always such fun 

According to a survey carried out by Best Offers Bingo, where 1,000 people were asked the question What’s the one thing you can’t live without on your summer holiday? , the following answers were given

The sun 11.7%
Sun lotion 10.8%
A good book 6.4%
Mobile phone 5.5%
Good food 4.3%
Money 4.0%
Sunglasses 3.4%
Water 3.1%
Alcohol 3.0%
My partner 2.1%

Would you agree with any of those? I think sun lotion, sunglasses and a good book would be high on my list for sure. 

So come on then, What’s the one thing you can’t live without on your summer holiday? 

Collaborative Post


Image source by Shutterstock


  1. Cass@FrugalFamily

    I’m really surprised that more people said a book than a phone – just shows that lots of people just want to get away from it all.

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