Trying To Give Up Smoking

I have never been a smoker, it just never appealed to me. Maybe it is because I hated the fact that my Mum did (she no longer does now) when I was about 9/10 years old, and she tried to hide it from me – but I knew alright! I guess I preached at her about how bad it was for her health, and therefore, there was no way I would become a smoker.

However, I have smoked the odd ciggarette in my time, mostly in my early 20’s when I was at uni and got a bit drunk and used to smoke the odd one on a night out!! I recall that it used to make my head spin and although the odd one now and then was ok, I never enjoyed it and that is why, along with the health implications, I have never taken it up.

Only smoking the odd one on a  night out, meant that I was never addicted to niccotine and ciggarette smoking, and for that I am so grateful because I know how hard I find it to resist sweet things when I am dieting, so to have to give up smoking would probably have been hard for me.

For some people I know, giving up has been easy and they were able to just go for it and go ‘cold turkey’. My Na, when he was alive, always took great pride in telling me that one day when he was a younger man he just decided to give up and he did and he never looked back. My OH smoked before he met me, but because I didn’t he gave up for me which actually was a big gesture and I have to admit it was apprecaited, because being with someone who smells and tastes of ciggarettes when you are a non smoker is not pleasant! However, for many people giving up is not easy, and I have friends who are trying using those electronic ciggarettes, and it does seem to be working for them, so far at least.

I asked some blogging friends of mine how they gave up smoking:

I smoke and am trying desperately to give up, at least once a month. I haven’t found e-cigs to be that helpful to be honest, as it’s more a habit thing. What I have found helps is mindfulness

Amy’s dad used to smoke heavily and quit using e-cigarettes as soon as he found out I was pregnant. They really helped him and he was completely smoke-free within a couple of weeks.

It took forever to give up and millions of attempts. Not e-cigs but have tried patches. In the end it was coffee and chocolate that helped me

I smoked for 20 odd years and gave up 12 years ago when I was 38. I’ve not looked back since and I just went cold turkey. I had tried lots of times previously but this time was different in that my heart murmur significantly increased, I couldn’t sleep for pain in the veins on the back of my knees and it scared the living daylights out of me – literally. Once I was in the mindset, I didn’t have any problems at all of giving up and I was really surprised having spent the previous 20 years on 20 a day.

I smoked like a chimney from 18 including living abroad where it was 50p for a packet. I didn’t try to give up at all but the day that I found I was pregnant I stopped gave up cold turkey I lost that baby but I haven’t picked up another cigarette since and don’t want one.

I think anyone who gives up smoking deserves a pat on the back, because I am not sure I could ever give up cake!!!

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