1. Sounds good! I’m not usually a fan of carrot cake, but this one sounds good and love the idea of the yoghurt frosting! Will have to give it go – I’m thinking on a lemon drizzle cake!

  2. great photos and this sounds really good. Well done you for re-working the original. I have a pot of this yoghurt and I’m really going organise myself to try this.

  3. Looks delicious. Wish we could eat yoghurt (dairy, soya, wheat and gluten free here) because I just cannot find a suitable substitute for it. Non dairy versions are too sweet!

  4. Pam hendry

    Love this recipe. I would really like to try it. However I don’t know how to use the gram measurements. Is there the standard measurements for this delicious carrot cake???

  5. This really looks amazing. I usually make virtuous banana and linseed or oat and courgette LOL but this looks moist and tasty and healthy too. I have homemade natural yoghurt so will try. Thank you lovely.
    H x

  6. Oh goodness, this is so exactly my sort of cake. I’m now doing my best to surpress a proposal of marriage *faints* Thanks for linking up with #recipeoftheweek. I’ve pinned and tweeted this post too 🙂

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