1. We have a surprise birthday party for my Grandma tomorrow, she’s 80 πŸ™‚
    I love the table and chairs and the photo of Jenson asleep at the table is adorable! xx

  2. AnnieMammasaurus

    Love that bouncy trampoline photo -you certainly crammed a lot into last week !

  3. Z has a similar bubble gun, it’s now a “hairdryer” which he uses to do our hair πŸ™‚ love the one where Jenson fell asleep. That’s gorgeous!

  4. An Exeter Mum

    Looks like you had a lovely week! The cake sounds delicious. I love the table and chair set, very sweet. Balloons, bubbles and bouncing sounds like the perfect recipe πŸ™‚ x

  5. coombemill

    Glad to hear Burton is feeling better now! I do love the photo of Jenson falling asleep at the dinner table – adorable.

  6. Lovely photos of your beautiful boys with lots of outdoor play as usual. The dinosaur table and chairs set is great, perfect for al fresco eating.

  7. Hope your nan had a good birthday. That jump shot was such a great capture. Aww bless him falling asleep. Don’t encourage me to buy more dinosaur stuff! Did you get a new gardening kit from britmums challenge?
    Looks like you’ve had a gorgeous week weatherwise.

  8. emily

    Isn’t it great when you can have all outdoors photos for a week? I don’t know if we’ve hit that mark yet, but I sure hope so!

  9. RichmondMummy

    oooh you have a trampoline – I think A would love one of those, not sure it’d fit in our little garden though x

  10. I love Dunelm Mill! Gorgeous little table and chairs you have for the boys πŸ™‚
    Like Friday and Saturday photos, looks like they ad so much fun x

  11. Elaine Livingstone

    aaahhh bless at falling asleep eating his tea. The table and chair is really nice. bubbles and balloons are always fun.

  12. Got to love bubbles and balloons!

    Sorry to hear Burton wasn’t feeling well! That table and chair look great.

    And i totally love the trampoline picture, great capture.

  13. emsyjo

    Leo has never fallen asleep at the table or anywhere unusual, once on the floor when he was a toddler and a bit poorly. I think my Mum has a photo of me asleep after eating choc spread sandwich, with it all over my face!

  14. Susanne Remic

    More happy sunny pictures! I adore the bubbles, balloons and trampolines!!

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