1. sabrina montagnoli

    Yay for the sunshine! What wonderful fun filled days with the simple things. I like that what childhood memories are made of!

  2. Awww, I love all these outdoor shots, they’re beautiful and happy. Jenson’s getting tall now, isn’t he? I can see daddy having to build a tree-house in that tree in the future, definitely a good climbing tree.

  3. Notmyyearoff

    Ahh thats very true!! I love the photos and how adventurous your boys are!

  4. Nichola Fabfortymum

    Gorgeous pictures. That’s what I love about outdoor fun, you are right it’s the simple things that are the greatest entertainment x

  5. Jenny these are wonderful photos and absolutley the things that childhood memories are made of! I must get mine back on the purfume now we have the summer flowers in bloom and I’m loving the tyre swing, is all that your garden? What lucky boys! Thank you for sharing your lovely sunny week.

  6. Looks like you had lovely weather & the garden looks amazing. I cna just imagine the fun you are all going to have in the summer. Thanks so much for linking up this week again too, you are so supportive.

  7. Kara

    Can you come and do my garden – it’s in desperate need of some love!
    Looks like you all had great fun!

  8. Isn’t life wonderful when it’s sunny 🙂 I love this post and all the things you can do to create great memories for your children. Kids are always so keen to help in the garden and naturally have keen green fingers. I like the painting outside and tree climbing 🙂

    Laura x

  9. Oh what lovely activities – and it’s great that there were some daddy ones too. We have been doing a lot similar actually – bugs and bubbles My son LOVED putting things in the compost. No tyre swing alas here.

  10. Lauren_W

    This looks like so much fun. I love their sunhats.

    It’s a great idea making perfume, I used to do that when I was a little girl but completely forgot, your photos jogged my memory (thank you) xx

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