1. Richmond Mummy

    Such a lovely idea to go hunting for bluebells, pics are gorgeous! They’re really growing up fast! X

  2. How cute to go hunting for bluebells. We went on a hunt a couple of weeks back just to check if they were out yet and it was still too early. Then when we tried two weeks later the woods were a bed of bluebells, it’s quite magical the way they appear so fast and then disappear again.
    It looks like the boys had a great adventure, even if you didn’t find any of the little blue flowers. x

  3. We haven’t found any bluebells yet, I think we’ll have to go on a hunt this weekend! It’s so nice that your boys have each other to go exploring with, they can entertain each other then 🙂 xx

  4. Notmyyearoff

    Yayyy! It looks like that little adventure was worth it for the bluebells 🙂

  5. Karen Davidson

    This is so lovely and such a wonderful idea. The pictures are just beautiful and it looks like the boys had a brilliant time on their adventure. I hope I can be as creative when my little ones a bit older. xx

  6. These are lovely photos Jenny as always. We went on a hunt for them a week ago and I think we are going to make it a yearly tradition. I love the last photo of the two of them. We should so hook our children up. Two gorgeous boys and two gorgeous ladies! 😉 x

  7. Oh I am gld you found some in the end. I think it’s lovely making the link with his birthday too. I always think of my birthday when I see “May blossom” on the trees too.

  8. emsyjo

    Your walks always look so much fun, as lovely as our beach path walk is, it would be great for a bit of variety! I can’t remember the last time I saw bluebells.

  9. phew, glad you found some in the end! just wondering if you took one of those cones home with you *ahem* 😉

  10. sabrina montagnoli

    ah the bluebells at the end of the rainbow! What a great find. Looked like a great adventure! Lovely photos x

  11. Lovely photos and I love that you found all those brilliant things and then eventually finding the bluebells 🙂

  12. Lauren_W

    They look like they are so fun to go on a bluebell adventure with. I bet you love going out with them. I need to do more things like this, you are such a fantastic mummy xx

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