1. coombemill

    Inspired! Looks like they really did get round lots of different surfaces there to have a go and looked delighted with their task. Glad to hear you are feeling better too. Thank you for linking up, I may just have to borrow this idea in the future!

  2. What a great idea, I might have to steal this for the girls to try. Glad you are feeling better. Hope this posts Disqus seems to hate me at the minute and I’ve had to log in via twitter

  3. Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom

    That’s awesome! My daughter loves doing tracings with leaves. She also thinks coloring on my parents fence is loads of fun!

  4. Anne Stone

    what a brilliant idea, I can remember doing this as a kid myself. Hope you are fit and well again soon x

  5. Aha, so that’s the background to the lovely photo of the pair of them by the shed. I might need to pinch this activity.

    Thanks for linking up.

  6. emsyjo

    I’ve often thought about doing this but its one of those things I’ve never got round to

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