1. coombemill

    That trampoline will pay for itself time and time again with the use it will have. Ours is used every day. As it is in the front garden they manage a bounce on the way to the car before school and invariabley the first place they head straight after school too. It is a great way for them to use a little energy when they just have a few spare minutes. We also have a trampoline in one our play areas for our holidays guests and it is always a favouritie after a long car journey. I hope Burton feels better soon, a little fresh air is no bad thing but very sensible to keep it to short bursts close to home. Thank you for linking up.

  2. That looks like such fun. Who needs to stray too far from home when you have bubbles and your own trampoline? I think a big trampoline is in our future. We have the space and Bud would adore it.

  3. Aaww, your boys are so similiar to mine 🙂 Pooh Bear is at the stage where he thinks he’s jumping but he’s actually just bobbing up and down with one foot leaving the ground! 😀

    (I’ve added a link to this post to my Mummy Mugshot)

    Pssssss *whispers* in our house, socks from the same packet (different pattern) counts as a pair

  4. Glitzy Gleam

    looks like they are having a great time on the trampoline, my son loves his, i just have to get him a new net xx

  5. pinkoddy

    Can’t beat a good bounce on the trampoline. We did bouncing and blowing today too.

  6. Katie @mummydaddyme

    Lovely photos as always Jenny. When mads is older i will definitely get her a trampoline, we had one when I was young and it’s so much fun x

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