1. That’s a very confident scooter-er you have there! Very impressed.
    Looks like you’ve really managed to make the most of the break!
    Think I might be a little bit in love with Jenson’s hat!

  2. Lovely active photos again, great fun! I’m always in awe of Burton on his bike, I’m going to adjust The Boy’s stabilisers up a bit for him as he is getting quite a speed up and steering quite straight. Is the scooter new for Burton? The Boy may be behind him on his bike but he’s a whizz on his scooter!

    Thanks for linking up.

  3. Glad to see you’ve made it out so much, the boys look like they’re having a fab time on their wheels! Please do come and share your lovely pictures on my Country Kids linky 🙂

  4. Lauren_W

    I love the photo of daddy running next to Burton!
    We usually stay in if it drizzles but seeing the fun you have despite the weather has encouraged me to do the same xx

  5. we always get people commenting on his cycling wherever we go! yes he probably is more of a scooter whizz ’tis true but then he has had lots more practice x

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