1. Lovely post & photos. I love the one of him wearing the red wig lol. Toddlers are so strong-willed. They know what they want or don’t want as often is the case lol. I hope he settles when you move to your new house x

  2. What a cutie…I can see him looking more like Jenson the older he gets. How cute is the photo of him playing Doctors? I couldn’t help but chuckle at the story of him taking his shoes and socks off but I’m sure you didn’t feel like laughing at the time! I love hearing about all the things he gets up to as he gets older xx

  3. SOO cute!! 🙂 I can’t believe he’s 21 months old already…he sounds so lovely and love how Burton is his mentor. There is the exact same age gap between my niece and z and she is completely his mentor too. Z went through a hitting phase and telling him off just made him laugh so one day I just took him off my lap and put him on the floor and walked away and he got very upset by it and that kind of now works (not all the time) but I was surprised when thats what did the trick in the end. Gorgeous photos! 🙂

  4. Susan Mann

    I can’t believe he’s 21 months already. He’s such a cutie and I love seeing how much he grows every week on your blog. Gorgeous x

  5. Lauren_W

    This is so lovely! Can’t believe he will be 2 soon.

    He’s so handsome and I love seeing what he gets up to through your photos. He looks so cheeky and like he has a lovely, fun personality xx

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