1. The Princess and The Pickle .

    These look amazing. Think I might be going up a dress size this weekend trying out different versions of this!!

  2. I made slutty brownies for the first time a few months back, and they really were delicious. Although I’m pretty sure my hubby would prefer your recipe with the Jaffa cakes.
    If you do get round to making them with Oreos, I would definitely recommend using the double stuffed ones if you can find them. Even more decadent, but even more delicious I promise you!
    And like you, I’m not a fan of the term “slutty” but it does seem appropriate for this recipe: super easy and terribly filthy!! 😉

  3. I love this idea of slutty brownies – I’m not keen on jaffa cakes but the OH can finish a whole box in one sitting!

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