1. Awwww, that looks fantastic fun- especially love the zip/ swing and the slide, but don’t think anything’s so cute as little bro coming to big bro’s rescue. Very sweet.

  2. coombemill

    I am adopting your 3D description far too much of that of late! Lovely to see your park again and those scooters are fab with their flashing lights.

  3. It is so nice to get out and about while the weather is ok, as it is just not happening around here at the moment! We are hoping to get out for a nice walk tomorrow! x

  4. Lovely photos, Jenson looks so cheeky in the bottom few shots. Did the flashing lights come with the scooter? I wouldn’t mind some for Bud’s new scooter.

  5. brinabird and son

    Great photos. I love that you make such an effort to get out. I try the same with my wee man but the rain does make it hard.

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