1. Tas D

    I love those photos, Burton looks so cuddly and gorgeous. I used to dread taking z for his jabs and then feel even more guilty when he would laugh and play with the nurses (just before the jabbed him!). I’m not sure how he’ll be at his pre-school one! Eek!

  2. Ahhh, what a lovely little flashback through time. Such cute photos of your little soldier. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he still wants those mummy cuddles to make him feel better for a while yet. X

  3. What a beautiful boy. His face has hardly changed has it? I hated the jags and Miss C had hers last year and she still refuses to go to the DR. x

  4. aww bless him, I can’t remember what I said to Jack, I think I skirted around it a bit, let the nurse do the talking & then boom! I have to take him for blood tests again & I’m a bit more worried than the last time (16months ago) about how he’ll be ..eek!
    Burton has such a cheeky baby face in those pics & now such a handsome boy x

  5. emsyjo

    Aaaaah, this had made me well up. Got to take Louka again next week. I felt so sad when Burton asked if you will be there next time, somebody stop these kids growing up so fast!

  6. Lauren_W

    He looks HUGE compared to the 2010 and 2013 photos. I know he obviously would have grown but it’s surprising just how much.

    Hope he doesn’t suffer any side effects from the injections. xx

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