1. That looks completely gorgeous and I am definitely going to be making it. I wonder if the weight of the jelly pushing down on the cream and angel delight contributed to it collapsing? Do you think somehow it could work if the layers were done in reverse? Maybe the cream layer would need to go into the freezer? Hmmm. Pinning, stumbling and *will* be making.

  2. after i made it i thought about reversing the layers. another idea would be to add sponge between the layers maybe? it still tasted delicious but shame it collapsed! please do have a go and let me know how you get on x

  3. Liz Burton

    OMG that looks AMAZING!! I’m not a lover of regular trifle, but I’d sure have a dollop of that!

  4. Mammasaurus

    Chocolate and orange are tow flavours that should never be mixed. However you make it look damn fine ! 😉

  5. Laura@howtocookgoodfood

    What I really love most about this wonderful pudding is the Terry’s chocolate orange segments. This is so good, I doubt that I would notice the collapsed bit, when you are serving it all the flavours would mix and combine to make a yummy dessert perfect as an alternative for those that aren’t keen on the traditional pudding!
    Thanks very much for linking to One Ingredient xx

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