1. coombemill

    Jenny those are lovely photos in the sunshine, looks like you dodged the showers for a lovely trip to the park, great splash of colour. We have been in and out between hail storms too! Thanks for linking up.

  2. great photos and I love the hat.
    there is something sort of great about an empty playground and something kind of strange. I do love how much you seem to get out and about.

  3. emsyjo

    Lovely photos, it looks like a really good park but it looks so so cold, not sure I could handle it! I always hated going out in bad weather even to the car so I’m not sure I could have played with Leo in it!

  4. Oh Jenny, those photographs of Jenson are gorgeous, absolutely precious, especially the side profile. (You should use this for The Gallery this week!)

    Popping over from Country Kids

  5. Fantastic photos Jenny. It doesn’t look like you let he change in the weather spoil your fun. And I love Jenson’s hat! X

  6. Single Married Mum

    What a gorgeous collection of photos! There’s something really striking about the last one in the deserted playground. Did he not want to leave??

    Loved your leaf owl by the way! x

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