1. Jen Walshaw

    That is am amazing kitchen. My boys are six and seven and we have only just passed on our kitchen, it was one of our most played with toys

  2. It looks sooooo nice!! Would really like this one now but it is a wee bit too big for us and a bit out of our budget but it does looks like great value for what you get. I much prefer the wooden ones too, I would have loved this as a child and I can understand why your boys are enjoying it so much xx

  3. Wow! That’s a mighty impressive kitchen. I bet if you add up all the respite you’ll get from this you’ll get a couple of months to relax 🙂

  4. Mum2BabyInsomniac

    That looks amazing and quite similar to the one I am looking to buy Iyla for Xmas. I initially bought her a cheap plastic one but as it is pretty much the only thing she has ever played with we thought it would be worth while investing in a big one that is of better quality. I think bearing that in mind it is worth spending the extra money, plus it will last for years. Although I had better rethink the pinkness of the one I have got my eye on or the next baby won’t like me very much! xx

  5. Vanessa

    This is exactly the kind of kitchen I am looking for.i have a 3 year old boy and a 2 year old girl so this is perfect where can I purchase one from please

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