1. I’ve gone a bit crazy this year planning our little traditions. I think we’ve taken the best bits from both our childhoods to try and make our own as well as just making some up ourselves. As a result our children are going to end up with a stocking (like I had) and a Christmas sack (like hubby had) which will be nice. And I will buy the children one new decoration each year for them to put on the tree (my mum did this and I still love working out which decorations were mine and which were my brothers.)
    We’ve also invented a Christmas fairy who brings Christmas in time for December 1st and a spying penguin who makes Christmas Eve special. I’m pretty sure my husband thinks I’m insane with my twee ideas, but I just love Christmas.

  2. Aww Jenny, that photo of you is very cute 🙂 We used to have those awful foil decorations too and our house was having a load of work done so the dining room just had plasterboard walls and my mum stuck all our homemade Christmas decorations round it! I can’t believe you had to wait that long to open presents, I don’t know how you coped! I had Santa sacks in my room for the first Christmas I remember but they had to change it because I was upset that a strange man had been in my room! I bet you will have some more traditions as the boys get older xx

  3. Waiting all day to open presents must have been so hard as a child, even as an adult Im awake at the crack of dawn with excitement!
    We buy the mini Mes a new decoration each year as a tradition and always go to a grotto. This year we are introducing Elf on the Shelf too 🙂 x

  4. Oooo I hated having to wait to open presents. Although, my parents did this to us when we were older. We had to get showered and have breakfast before we could open presents. x

  5. Emma Tait

    We’re having christmas elves coming to stay from tomorrow to keep a eye on the children and report back to Father Christmas! They will be bringing the advent calendars and getting up to mischief whilst the kids sleep!

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