1. Lauren_W

    Has Burton had a growth spurt?? He looks huge in these photos. As does Jenson to be fair.
    Looks like you really had fun today. I love the 8th photo down. I want Jensons hoodie xx

  2. Jennypaulin

    i think he had Lauren as he has been non stop scoffing and had very bad mood swings!! Jenson is tall for his age too i think. we had loads of fun today bug hunting – never done it before and i was very brave and picked some up!!!! x x

  3. I was going to say just the same as Lauren, the boys are shooting up at the moment! They look like they really appreciated their time outdoors and were quite happy about the lack of sunshine! It’s lovely to see them exploring and enjoying the countryside there. Thanks for linking up.

  4. emsyjo

    Well done for braving the wet and the mud, I’m such a fair weather outdoors person that it fills me with fear! It does look like fun though – Leo’s never played in muddy puddles so far!

  5. Another fab compliation of pictures and words. We love playing outside & as long as you are dressed and prepared for it, getting wet is kind of fun.

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