1. Lauren_W

    Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. I love the way you’ve laid all the photos out, adding the lyrics and your take on the theme.
    The boys look like they are having so much fun. Especially Jenson who really looks like he’s dancing. He’s starting to look far too grown up now xx

  2. Erica Price

    Great photos of the boys Jenny and I like the way you’ve selected them to suit the lyrics.

  3. Love this Jenny. What a great post and gorgeous photos. I love a good play in the rain and in puddles myself, one of life’s little pleasures if you ask me. And it looks like your boys would agree with me. X

  4. ADORABLE! So love this post and the images you’ve captured. Well worth getting out in that rain for all those smiles and laughter ๐Ÿ™‚ Brilliant take on the theme.

  5. looks like they were having a great time, when they’re that age they never seem to notice the rain…it’s just as we get older that it seems to bother us! x

  6. Every time it heavily rains I keep meaning to pop on our wellies and coats and head outside to jump in puddles, but I am usually never home when it does! It looks like a lot of fun! x

  7. Oh Jenny these are the most gorgeous photos; so carefree and happy. They look like they had the most amazing time, it’s a real lesson to show everyone who is moaning about the rain: get out there! I love the way that you’ve edited them.

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