1. coombemill

    It looks like some great Olympic sorts going on there. Is that a caravan site you are on with Grandma?

  2. Emma

    What a great idea, and a great set of pictures! Someone looks much more talented than me with a hoola hoop as well! 🙂

  3. Carole

    So coool. I just love the pic where the little mite is cycling with his tongue stuck out to concentrate! Have a great week.

    PS And a really big thank you for following Carole’s Chatter

  4. I’m so impressed with Burton’s bike riding, he’s a little star! Daddy looks like he’s very happy with his boys on the bike too and it’s really refreshing to see a parent wearing a helmet as well as the children. I often wonder how they expect their children to take the concept seriously when they don’t do it themselves!

    We’ve had so many sports days this Summer it’s ridiculous, do you think the PRs will latch onto another theme now?

    Popping over from Country Kids

  5. Aww bet this seems so long ago now. Good hula hooping I am useless at that.
    Thank you for linking up with Motivational Monday

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