1. Anonymous

    I think that’s the first time I’ve been blogged lol. I’ll bring my Welles next time x

  2. Granma’s garden looks amazing! Lots of fun to be had there. Like the pic of you hiding in the ball pond too hehe and the little poochie at the park looking at the boys on the swings!
    Welldone Jenson for walking 🙂 x

  3. A wet week seems to be the theme last week. Boooo!! Great Jenson is walking 🙂 Opens up a whole new world of toddler mischief!

  4. I can’t believe how grown up Jenson is looking! And I love how much you cook, I have just bought a slow cooker which is transforming my meal times but before that I just could never be bothered to cook! Your peanut butter cakes from the post above look amazing by the way! Xx

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