1. When our eldest, a daughter was being potty trained, she tried to stand and pee because she had seen daddy do it that way. Well, suffice to say, it did not work out for her, so I told dad, he had to sit down and pee just in case she walked in on him again! 

  2. As a single mum (at the time) I had to teach all three of my boys to do ‘the boy wee’ as they called it. They grasped the concept eventually but they still can’t aim worth a damn and the eldest is twenty! My youngest is nearly six and still can’t wee standing up, he looks at his Daddy and I like we’re insane if we suggest it.

    @Catherine: One of my twins, now aged fifteen, decided that she also wanted to be like Daddy and wee standing up. I have to give her credit, she gave it several tries before admitting that it might not be so practical after all!

  3. Ha ha welcome to my world! I have definitely been there a fair few times. The very first time it happened with O he ended up peeing down his clothes over his and my shoes, so I developed a nifty thing where they stand up and I hold them at an angle so the wee goes on the floor and nowhere else! It is an art though! I am not looking forward to going through it with A as she will need a whole new set of rules!

  4. oh that made me laugh! I agree on the carry potty and even when you get it open, sitting on it is a pain! I have only ever set it up in the car with the little one – then it works! At  least you know Jenson will have his brother to learn from when he gets to the potty training way. The little one has two brothers as her best friends and she keeps on talking about weeing the boy way. A little girl trying to stand up and pee is pretty messy as Catherine says!

  5. Noah still does not pee standing up and he starts school in September – hoping that because Daddy is off for six weeks holiday in the summer he can teach weeing standing up and bottom wiping! I feel it is his duty! He he great post. x

  6. Lucy at Dear Beautiful Boy

    I had a good giggle reading this, then I read it to the hubby and told him that this part of parenting would be his job. Even as a child myself, I flat refused to wee outside and as a result can hold for hours and hours to go in an actual toilet, however if I had the necessary man tools for weeing standing up that I wouldnt have minded as much. This definitely feels like daddy territory. Looks like your OH will be having some company in the bathroom for a while as Burton learns. X

  7. emsyjo

    Apparently they make them stand at school here, my friends boy is 3.5 and he insists on standing at home now too, she hates it as it tends to go everywhere!    I have wondered how Leo will react if we are out with no toilet.     this week we’ve braved public toilets for the 1st time, went ok   but he didn’t like the ‘big’ toilets at the airport, as most here are just one or two and never have anyone else in them, he got scared by the hand dryers and all the noise….. oh and heard the woman next door weeing and started clapping and saying ‘yeah, there’s a tinkle in the toilet, she’s clever’   

  8. I had the My Carry Potty for The Boy when he started toilet training but I actually found that the splash guard at the front wasn’t big enough for little boys; I think it’s a better potty for girls than boys.

    I’m in denial about the whole standing up thing. Daddy can teach him

  9. This had me in stitches, it was so funny! I am making mental notes about this for when it’s Zs turn. Its not occurred to me that we might have to improvise when it comes to wee wee time. Eeeeekk!! Well done on balancing Jenson in one arm whilst getting Burton to wee though!

  10. Susan Mann

    I think it’s easier training a girl than a boy. My little one loved piddling standing up, that was the only way I could train him. That and the stool. x

  11. LinzW1976

    Hahahaha! Thomas loves weeing outside and is quite often ‘caught short’ at the playground. I think it’s much easier to be a boy in those situations. The worst was when he suddenly announced he needed a poo at Wellington country park. We were MILES from the front where the loos are, I ended up having to hold him while he squatted in the bushes! Luckily i had some bags on me so I picked it up and threw it in the bin! The joy of kids 🙂 xx

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