1. Pahahahaha!! This is all so very true, you’ve had me in fits of giggles!!
    I’ve always found black leggings a la snail train tres sexy!! I shall join you in the slummy mummy stakes top :0) My house is a tip, I hate to think what the stains are all over our carpet and I have no hope of being a yummy mummy, ever. Or at least not til lil miss stops stropping & I no longer break into a stinky sweaty mess just trying to pin her in the car! x

  2. Glad it isn’t just me that ends up with stains all over, a carpet that was a single cream colour once and stuff everywhere!

    I would love to be more yummy, but can’t work out how to do it! 😉

  3. Now Jenny Emma, this perception you hold of a yummy Mummy is all cosmetic and not anything to do with being a Mummy.  YOU ARE a yummy Mummy in my eyes and your son’s eyes, for you love and cherish your boys, provide them with a warm home environment, amazing food, entertaining stimulation to their development and fulfil all the duties a yummy Mummy should for her children.  You may think that all these stained clothes, unkempt hair and toys/clothes on the floor say that you are not yummy Mummy material, but on the inside YOU are and beyond the sterotypical yummy Mummy characteristics you think you will never be, all these opposite signs you talk about actually show that you ARE a beautiful, caring and loving YUMMY MUMMY.  Kxxx

  4. Ella Tabb

    I can so relate to the stained clothes. I literally spend most days covered in food, snot and general kid slime. My hair is always a complete state and my figure is lived in ! Sometimes it bother me but mostly I think my life is great and I don’t have to look at me anyway.

  5. Lucy at Dear Beautiful Boy

    Hehehe. This really made me laugh. I try so hard to be a yummy mummy, but on the inside there is just a lazy joggers-loving scummy mummy just trying to get out.
    Let’s be honest, there are just more important things than having perfect hair everyday, like having time to tweet! And it just makes those occasions when you get to dress up and pretend to be a yummy mummy all the more special. Hehehe. X

  6. Oh Jenny this hilarious- just snorted out loud in bed. I love the top with the pointed out stains- classic. The funniest post I’ve read in ages and all so true! X

  7. Hehee oh this is so me, the one with stains all over my shoulder I mean! Once I even ended up in work like that! I somehow attract baby stains permanently. And Baby Z thinks I’m some kind of walking personal cloth that he can use to wipe his face!

  8. hee hee fab post. When I say I would like to be a yummy mummy, I mean I would like to look clean, not tired or stressed and in control….. yes no dribble, food and finger prints all over me but look like everything’s easy. life in my house is far from perfect but I try my best xx

  9. When The Boy was under 1, I would never get dressed in anything other than sloppy clothes  if I was staying in the house. If we were going out, I would get made up, have my clothes ready, get him sorted, then strap him into his carseat (group 0) before changing into my tidy clothes. At least I’d arrive wherever clean and tidy!

    Not shaving your legs is prudent in the Winter, it’s insulation.

  10. Pinkoddy

    I don’t have a bag – I just stuff my shizzle into the changing bag! And I roll my jeans up when doing the sweeping/mopping to avoid the bottoms getting wet – am so very glam me. 

  11. Pinkoddy

    I don’t have a bag – I just stuff my shizzle into the changing bag! And I roll my jeans up when doing the sweeping/mopping to avoid the bottoms getting wet – am so very glam me. 

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