1. emma walters

    i never had one of my own *sob* i remember having a go on a friends at their house & fell flat on my face first time lol 🙂

  2. We didn’t have one. I was always a bit rubbish on things like that though. Too scared incase I’d fall off!

    Love the photos of the boys!

  3. kathleen hooper

    sadly I never had one (I don’t even know if they were around when I was a child!) so I feel rather deprived! 

  4. Michelle

    Ha ha! That Porky Pig really does look like lots of fun. You say you always wanted a Space Hopper as a child. Do you know that you can get adult ones? I bought my brother one for his 40th. I must say it’s exhausting and certainly works the thighs. There’s a workout waiting to happen – can’t you just see it. A room full of women bouncing around on them? Michelle

  5. Emma M

    Yes we had space hoppers and they were so much fun, I always remember me and my sister racing with them!! 

  6. No but the family next door all had them and we use to play horse of the year show on them, we set up small jumps in a circuit in the garden and use to go round it, it was hilarious fun ( even at 14)

  7. Jill Mann

    Yes a bright orange one – I fell off and broke my wrist. My dad burst it and threw it in the dust bin. Still haven’t forgiven him

  8. Rainie Bish

    Yes had great fun hoping/racing around the roads around our house. Wouldnt get away with it today though, too many cars around

  9. Lisa

    No I don’t remember ever having one. Deprived child lol.

    My 19 month old daughter would absolutely love this! @1moaningmummy 

  10. Kelly Dutton

    Hi, I’m getting that then entry is now over for this comp on the rafflecopter form but in your post it says the 16th is there a problem with the form or is it too late to enter?
    Thanks Kelly

  11. Jennypaulin

    Hi Kelly
    You are right the comp was meant to be Open until Monday – I don’t know why it finished so soon! I am so sorry, I will visit the raffle copter website and see if I can find out what has happened x

  12. Jennypaulin

    Hi Kelly
    it is up and running again!! so sorry for the problem and thank you for bringing it to my attention x

  13. Kelly Dutton

    I owned a yellow space hopper, and even think my dad still has it in the back of the shed!

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