1. Oh goodness me. Glad he’s ok.

    I’m going to show this post to people who don’t believe me when I say how easy it is to damage a childs arm by pulling them by it, even if they are just playing. Family members have been so rough with Charles before and didn’t believe me when I said it was easy to damage their elbow or shoulder. X

  2. What a day for you all. Poor Jenson – I’m glad it was nothing too serious, you must have been beside yourself with worry. I dread those trips to A&E but it’s one of those things that you know as parents, especially to little boys, that there will no doubt be some of in the future. Was Burton ok? He must have been worried about his little brother too.

    I love your picture of Jenson sound asleep after the eventful day – perfect for today’s Gallery. x

  3. crumbs! Glad he’s alright. We had a hospital trip and overnight stay with Noah for a rash in the early days which was a real eye opener when we’d never been there with Isla once! I’ve heard of that injury – I’m always careful when I’m swinging Isla round by her arms or other rough and tumble games as I worry they could come out of joint. Easily done. Isla is getting much rougher with Noah these days, it’s hard for the elder one to undertsnd isn’t it!

  4. Aw poor little mite! I have two boys as you know an we have had our fair share of visits to casualty! It is so horrible whatever age and I hate it, I’m so glad that he is ok and I hope you have a ‘peaceful’ week x

  5. What a fright! Every parents nightmare is A&E of an evening – or any time for that matter. I’m so pleased it all worked out well

  6. Aww bless him! Glad he got sorted and you did the right thing.  Ironically I am always telling Daddy E not to swing Roo from her arms because of this but didn’t know it had an official term.

  7. Oh bless him, glad to hear he’s okay now. I’ve got three boys and each time something has happened to them I’m sure my anguish (and guilt) has equalled or outweighed their injuries, as they always seem to recover quickly, where as I worry about it for months. Operations are the other hospital trip that I dread, the feeling of leaving your  anaethetised child in an operating theatre, is just heart wrenching.    

  8. caro_mad

    Oh my God, I’ve only just read this. How scary. I bet Burton was really worried for Jenson too. Glad the he’s okay. I remember Amy’s first trip to A & E, because we had accidently given her egg that was 4 days out of date and she didn’t stop vomiting. I was so scared that we had given her food poisoning but the consultant said there was no way the eggs would have done that to her, so that made me feel slightly better. Still felt so so bad…

  9. Fromfuntomum

    Oh Gosh! I am glad that it is all resolved now! Poor Burton, he must have felt awful and poor baby Jenson too. On the other hand, you are so lucky for having to wait nearly 3 years and 2 kids to see A&E and luckily it was nothing too major. Every time I’ve come home with G from A&E I just count my blessings thinking that we are home and we’ll just have a tale to tell rather than be stuck in hospittal. Big cuddles to both boys and well done you for surviving the first A&E trip, may it be the last one for a long time x

  10. Notmyyearoff

    So glad he is better now, its always so scary when you have to visit A&E!  But yuk…i dont like the orange chocs.  Now a strawberry cream would have me reaching out no problem 🙂  He looks very lovely there in his sleeping bag!

  11. emsyjo

    Oh, poor Jenson – so glad he’s ok now but it must have been awful for you especially as Jon wasn’t there.   Same thing happened to my friends girl when she fell over an landed on her arm and I went and took them both to A&E as her hubby was at work she was fine but my friend was tramautised for ages after it!

  12. Susan Mann

    What a nightmare, poor wee Jenson. I bet Burton would have felt terrible if he’d known what he’d done, even though it was an accident. Thank goodness he was ok. Hugs to you all x

  13. LinzW1976

    Oh poor Jenson!! I can’t imagine how worried you must have been 🙁 Silly babies having silly accidents! It worries me all the time! I’m glad he was OK xx

  14. Oh no Jenny I must this- poor Jenson, I am glad all is better now.  I have been to A and E a few times with Mads- I think just both me and her are quite accident prone! x

  15. Michelle

    Oh dear. What a worry for you all. Poor wee thing. I did laugh though when you said he reached for the chocolate. So far (touching lots of wood now) I have only had to take my son to A&E when his excema was so bad his legs were bleeding. Fortunately we were dealt with pretty quickly (not in half an hour though) and were prescribed a steroid cream. The speed with which it improved was amazing. By the next day he was already 50% better. I must say I needed a glass of wine after that trip.
    Anyway, hope Jenson’s arm is better now. By the way, a NCT friend told me her Mum did the ‘nursemaid’s elbow’ injury to her brother by yanking him! She felt really guilty afterwards (as you would!) x

  16. Lou @ SunnySide

    A totally different and wonderful perspective on peace. What a fan story. There is nothing worse than having to take a little one to the hospital or sometimes even just the doctor when thy are sick. I think that as Mum’s although we learn to stay outwardly calm, the inner turmoil we put ourselves through is incredibly intense, so the feeling of calm on ourselves as well as on our children when the trauma is past is overwhelming sometimes!

    This is a wonderful take on the theme.

    Lou 🙂

  17. We made our first trip in October half term.  That was an arm problem too.  Herny loved the xray and being there and we were seen within 15 minutes.  Glad it wasn’t too serious for Jenson in the end.  Horrible to see them hurting though isn’t it?

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