1. Ella

    Wow what a busy week. Commiseration on the car and big congrats on the blogger of the week (I would be excited too). Hope this week is a little easier.

  2. That choc cake looks amazing! And congrats on the Britmums blog of the week, that’s amazing! I love M and S, I wish I lived near one although I would end up buying all my food in there! x

  3. caro_mad

    The food crushing and throwing sounds very familiar. Amy throws everything around and sits there with the biggest grin ever. They are so cheeky x 

  4. That cake looks amazing, I didn’t realise your hubby was born on a leap year.  Thats funny that he is in fact 9!  Mads is already having tantrums and she is 14 months, I dread to think what she will be like when she hits 2.  I know I have said it before, but I am sorry about your bad day on Monday. xx

  5. I’m glad your week got better after the rough start! Well done on being Blogger of the Week! whoo hoo!
    Love the pics of Jenson chilling!

  6. Jennypaulin

    very cheeky and although endearing i hate all the mess i have to clean up afterwards!!

  7. Fromfuntomum

    busy week, great post, well done for BritMums, but the thing that makes it for me out of the whole post is that last photo of their two gorgeous little bottoms! awww

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