1. That’s the second time today I’ve seen the word “buttercream”. I am starting to get very tempted now. The marble cake looks so yummy!! Hope the film
    Pack is a lot of fun to watch!

  2. Oh my goodness what a week, I don’t even know where to start.  I love the fact that this week involved loads of cakes.  But I am sorry that Burton didn’t want to stay at nursery, but at least you know after ten minutes they are ok and having fun.  It must be hard though.  I love the treats from Warner brothers, I got that email but didn’t respond…damn I wish I had now!  I love Burton’s pic of himself too, how cute.  What a great week, and heres to just as good one this week!  Thanks for linking up xx

  3. Your week with cake sounds like a dream week to me. That rainbow marble cake looks amazing!! Burton’s drawing of himself is really good! 🙂

  4. Grumpy daddy! Burton must have been exhausted? You certainly did have a busy week, I love the balloon dance, bless his heart. The Boy has just started dancing manically and it’s hysterical to watch.

  5. Jennypaulin

    Burton was a little over tired i think and coming down with a cold possibly as he has been looking a little peaky for a few days now.
    they are so entertaining aren’t they? Burton just loves to out on a show whether it be dancing, singing, making silly faces etc..  x

  6. Jennypaulin

    thank you,  he is good at drawing and i find it funny how he likes to draw himself most of the time! x

  7. My sister always used to make up friends that she had at nursery, there was a whole family called the Onkawonkas or something like that and they were all in a plane crash! Sounds like a very busy week! x

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