1. Chloe Brewer

    What a lovely post, the pictures were so cute! My little boy has a lot of the same toys and is exactly the same with tomato and cucumber!? Weird huh! x

  2. Aaahh what a gorgeous post and as always beautiful pictures. Where has the time gone?  Jenson is looking more and more like his big brother and is growing up so fast. Glad he is sleeping through the night for you, it makes all the difference xxxx

  3. omg I cannot believe where the time has gone…I remember chatting with you on Twitter before he was born…agghhh that seems like yesterday!
    Lovely photos Jenny

  4. Susan Mann

    What a great and fun wee boy. I cannot believe he is almost a year. Time flies by so quickly x

  5. I can’t believe he’s going to be 1 already! He’s such a gorgeous little boy, happy and contented. And no wonder he’s a mummy’s boy, he gets lots of lovely attention from you and is only a baby still, enjoy it while it lasts!

  6. Richmond Mummy

    He’s gorgeous Jenny, what a happy content little boy and I just love the holding hands pics, the 2 boys together are adorable.  x

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