1.If you could change one thing in history what would it be?
This is hard because if I were to change one thing the repercussions could be devastating (see, I took note of these points in films like Back to the Future!!). So I am going to say nothing because everything happens for a reason: sometimes for good reasons and other times, sadly, for wrong ones.
2. If you were a colour which would you be and why?
Red. I think its a fun colour with a little bit of mystic and intrigue about it.
3. It’s nearly valentines so what’s your ideal date?
I don’t really have an ideal date as I don’t really go out on Valentine day anymore! I guess a nice meal or the cinema would be nice. I think any romantic gesture would be appreciated!
4. If money was no object what is the one thing you would do?
Pay off all my friends and family’s debts
5. How would your best friend describe you in 3 words?
Funny, loyal, chatterbox
6. What 3 things would you take with you on a desert island?
My phone with full battery, suntan lotion and a boat so I could sail home!!
7. What would your last meal be and why?
My Mum’s roast beef with all the trimmings followed by new york style cheesecake
8. Who was your teenage crush?
I had several! Most of them embarrassing !! But since I was 19 its been Brad Pitt
9. What is your favourite movie of all time?
Gone With The Wind – its an absolute classic. I would love to be Scarlett O’Hara if the film was ever re-made opposite some hunk (like Brad Pitt maybe ?) who would play Rhett Butler, and wear those gorgeous dresses.
10. What music makes you happy?
Happy pop music like Take That or music from the 80’s – even better when I can sing along at the top of my voice!
11. Who would you most like to meet (alive or dead)?
I would like to have met Laura Ingalls Wilder to know if she was as I imagined her to be from reading her books.
I would also like to meet Brad Pitt just so I could see if he is all that seeing as though I have ‘loved’ him for the last 20 years!
12. Where is your favourite place?
My home because that is where my boys are 🙂
- I take size 7 shoes
- I am not married
- I sucked my thumb until I was 12
- I hate having to iron anything and spent years not actually owning an iron because I hate it so much! I am dreading when the boys start school and i will have to iron uniforms…..or will I? *evil laugh*
- I can eat a jam doughnut without licking my lips! (although its been many years since I attempted to do this)
- When I was at primary school I fancied David Hasselhoff, as in Micheal Knight in Knight Rider (*shakes head in disbelief*)
- I used to have my belly button pierced
- I have a fear of downward escalators – I can go up on them but not down!
- I used to have a job as a tour guide when I was a student
- I have never changed a plug!
- I actually enjoyed going to school
- I always find it hard finding things to say about myself in these meme’s!
Thank you xx
You have made me want to eat a jam doughnut. xx
I hate ironing too, it sucks! I get OH to do mine LOL I have to put up with some rubbish TV program whilst he does it but I’d rather suffer than iron!
Haha, David Hasslehoff? What were you thinking? 😀 With you on the downstairs escalators though. I never know how to get off them and always do a little jump because I’m afraid the gap might eat me – see, you are not the only weirdo lol x
Haha, I was going through the list thinking of my comment, 80s’ music, yep, Laura Ingalls Wilder, yep, Never changed a plug, size 7 shoes, hate ironing and then I also see you have a fear of downward escalators….. I’ve been told I was odd for years for not being able to get on them properly (I can but I have to wait for a few steps to go past)
Thanks for completing the meme. I think you’re right about us being similar, I’m not married, I hate ironing, I used to have my belly button pierced and I also liked school that’s probably why I became a teacher so that I didn’t have to leave! Lovely to see your answers. x
P.S. Thanks for the lovely compliment at the top.
You sucked your thumb until you were 12 and you’re still beautiful – there is hope for GG then!
I fancy David Hasselhoff now.
There I said it.
My ex boyfriend was the spitting image of Brad Pitt!!
I always find 80s music makes me happy too – probably because I was young then *shuffles off on zimmer frame*
I sucked my thumb until I was 26! Lol. I didn’t know you weren’t married! That’s really interesting, do you want to be? I am having a real problem with Dad2BabyInsomniac at the moment because I take his reluctance to get married as a sign he doesn’t love me enough. I think it’s fine when both parties are fine not being married but it’s a nightmare when one person wants to and one doesn’t! xx
Awww shucks! What a lovely thing to say thank you 🙂
Yes I did and my mum and I tried all sorts of things to get me to stop eg. Wearing socks on my hands in bed (clean ones I hasten to add!) but all failed! I think being threatened with a brace may have done it in the end! Luckily the gap between my teeth disappeared!
GG will be fine I am sure x
You and I are just so alike aren’t we? Spooky x
Ha ha good to know I am not alone with the escalator thing! Also you being German I thought you of all people would love the Hoff ha ha he was massive over there wasn’t he? X
Your OH is good and yes it’s worth it to watch crap TV not to have to iron! X
I haven’t eaten a jam doughnut for ages mmmm they are nice occasionally aren’t they?
In fact, we all find him terrible ridiculous. I mean he seriously thinks that he deserves a Noble Peace Prize because in his head he is responsible for the Berlin Wall coming down. What the…?