1. urbanvox

    wow!!! time does fly by!!!! I see Lil monkey running all over the place and speaking his first words (he will be 2 in one week’s time) and the littlest monkey has grown so much too… memories… is all we get in the end huh… 🙂

  2. Ahh he’s so lovely, in some pics he looks like Burton and then he looks so different on other pictures! I hope he sleeps through the night v soon, (and I hope mine does too!!) happy 9 months to him!)

  3. He’s SO CUTE! Elliot is almost 11 months now and is doing exactly the same.  I was nodding my head as I read your post as I can relate to so much of it.  

    FWIW, Elliot used to sleep through and now doesn’t.  I think it’s a habit he got into when he was teething a while back and doesn’t want to break as he knows he gets cuddles and a breastfeed if he wakes up.  I keep telling myself it will pass and that babies don’t keep. 

  4. Both your boys really are lovely Jenny and you must be so immensely proud of them for being so damn cute!  I can’t believe he is nine months- where is the time going!

  5. Lauren_RHofSC

    Loved reading this. He is so cute and becoming a real boy and less of a baby.
    Harry moves around on his back. Kicks his legs and away he goes. He did this naked the other week. I left him wrapped in a towel, popped into the kitchen and then went back into the lounge and he was THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LOUNGE! He moved so fast.
    The photos are lovely. Doesn’t he look so much like Burton in the last one?? xx

  6. Jennypaulin

    i know, i can’t believe it myself. i know they have to grow but wish it wasn’t quite so fast x

  7. Jennypaulin

    once they discover they can be mobile there is no stopping them! i can’t see Burton so much but maybe Jon which is unusual because he looks so much like my side of the family normally. xx

  8. Jennypaulin

    thank you 🙂
    i think a to of Jenson’s waking up could be from the couple of weeks he was poorly and was up in the night having calpol and cuddles! i hope it will soon pass so i can get some sleep x

  9. 9 months? So he’s officially been growing outside of you longer than he was in. I found that a really strange milestone to pass, because it always seems that you’re pregnant forever.
    He’s so cute Jenny, and turning into a proper little boy. And I just love seeing pictures of him and Burton together, lots of brotherly love!

  10. lovely post and gorgeous pics. Jenson sounds just like my Baby G, into
    everything and fine with anybody unless I’m about. 5 and half weeks till she
    turns 1 and like you I can’t believe how quickly it has come round. xxx

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