• Thanks Lauren i am always a little nervous about posting such posts but comments like yours makes me glad i did and to know we are not alone or unusual as these things happen to so many of us xx

  1. Notmyyearoff

    Hurrah!!! But I sooo know what you mean. For months all I wants to do was sleep and even the thought of a bit of extra curricula activity could drive me to tears. I have a v understanding hubby but like yours he’s not a great talker so that drives me batty… “why doesn’t he say anything, what does that mean? Does he still like me? Arrrgh!”.

  2. Susan Mann

    What a wonderful and honest post. I am pleased to hear you have spoken openly with your husband and you are working on sorting how you are feeling. And yay to sex. Way to go. I am sure there are many woman, myself included who feel unsexy and unloved after having children. xx

  3. Jennypaulin

    Thank you and for taking the time to read and comment. I still dont feel sexy but it’s a step in the right direction of us I guess and it was a little confidence booster. Which is something we all need from time to time. We still have a long way to go but I broke the ice I guess. Xx

  4. Jennypaulin

    Mine won’t discuss anything! We could have carried on as we were for months longer I think but we weren’t moving on withothr t lives as a couple.We still have a way to go but at least we have started making time for us and it is nice to know that he does care about me more than I though he did. BUT still want more sleep lol thanks for reading and commenting xx

  5. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Kerry and yes time is. Still don’t feel super sexy (never did) but at least we are out of our rut! Xx

  6. fromfuntomum

    wow, what an amazing and honest post! I totally understand where you are coming from as 4 months after giving birth one is surely not feeling all that sexy, let alone if it is baby number 2 in 2 years and a bit. I also understand his viewpoint in waiting for you to make a move, as your July post was indeed a move of sort. Glad it’s all sorted now and do please try to have a date night every once in a while as they are very nice, different after kids, but nice. x

  7. Ahhh well done you for making the first move and I’m so pleased. I didn’t read the original post, I will go and read it in a min, but I can totally understand how with two kids you must have found it hard to have the energy or time to even think about sex. I totally agree that it’s not all about sex but there is something about the emotional connection that it sets off that I love – it makes me feel so bonded to Dad2BabyInsomniac – until he does something annoying anyway! Before we split up last time I never wanted to have sex, I was on the pill and it made me never want to have sex, I got angry when he even tried – it all came out after a while that it made him feel really rejected. Luckily now I’m off the pill I don’t mind having sex again, it’s made quite a difference to our relationship – not that we do it that often but it’s quality not quantity! I think it is hard to feel sexy when you’re a mum but I guess we just have to remember that the men in our lives most definitely think we are! xx

  8. Ella

    Oh I can so relate to this. After our first two children we didn’t do the deed for many months. To be honest I was cool with that as I felt so unsexy. This time around things have been better. Good on you for being honest and talking about this subject as you have made lots of people feel a lot less like failures.

  9. Jennypaulin

    thank you Ella for commenting. i still don’t feel sexy but at least i know i can’t be THAT bad xx

  10. Jennypaulin

    thanks Jess and its also nice to know that even younger coupled have the same kind of ‘problems’ as us oldies lol x

  11. Jennypaulin

    thank you for reading and commenting. i think we may try to go out for a meal at the end of the month for his birthday which will be the first time we have done so in about 2 years!! x

  12. You brave lady. That took guts and I admire you for talking to hIM. it is so easy to put each other on the backburner but you are both important too. I hope that is the way forward for you both again. I often prefer sleep over sex…seriously it’s sleep! But once in throws of sex I often find myself remembering it is quite fun and what was i making a fuss for! Maybe you can plan something for valentines. Then you can say you have had sex in Jan and Feb! xx

  13. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Kerry. To be honest it wasn’t really about sex I would have been happy with a romantic gesture of some kind as I jst wanted reassurance that we were ‘we’. But seeing as though romantic gestures were not available I did what I did!
    Must be harder for you and your hubby to be ‘romantic’ with three children including twins! Xx

  14. Well done honey, I know that this was and will remain an important issue for you and Jon.  Like you say, you have taken the first steps to rediscovering each other individually and as a couple again, I think it is a fabulous start.  You are definitely going out for Jon’s birthday – I will be babysitting so neither of you have any excuses to not have some “you” together.  It will be my pleasure.  Kxxx

  15. Well done you for talking about it. I think we are all probably similar…..I’m with Kerry on the prefering sleep thing! xxx

  16. Lindsey

    Go Jenny! You’re so brave and brilliant to write about this. I was just talking about this with a mummy friend yesterday! David will never be the one to ask me if I’m ready so I know it’s going to be me saying “alright love, fancy a bit of how’s-your-father” and being sleep-deprived, when will I ever be ready to say that?! I’m not too stressed out, I was last time, but ask me in another few monthsv:)

    I hope it out a spring in your step too 😉

  17. Richmond Mummy

    So glad you’re on the road to sorting things out for the better – this is a really brave post to write and share, so many people will identify with it and I certainly would rather opt for sleep 9 times out of 10, although I will admit that sometimes it’s almost just getting going with “it” makes me remember that sometimes it is good to forego a bit of sleep ha ha  xx

  18. emsyjo

    Great post, well done for writing something so personal, not something I could do on my blog anymore as the whole bloody expat community would probably read it, supermarket trips would never be the same!

    I had similar issues, and we’ve had a few evenings now where we’ve been sort of back to the old days – well I’m sure you guessed we’d had at least one 😉      I am worried what we happen after this baby arrives as I’m guessing it will be like after Leo but worse. Saying that pregnancy is suiting me in that respect as it’s made me much more enthusiastic about it!

  19. Very brave to put all up in cyber space. You have so done the right thing making that move. As a Mum with 6 and the youngest now 7 I can honestly say if you both make an effort things do get better as the  kids get older and it is worth making that effort!

  20. Jennypaulin

    thank you for your comment – i don’t know how you find the time or have the energy!!! 🙂 x

  21. Jennypaulin

    thank you for commenting. i would still prefer a good nights sleep but i don’t know if that will ever happen!!! best to do ‘it’ early in the evening so i can still get to bed on time!! x

  22. Jennypaulin

    thanks Linds – it wasn’t easy and i would still like some good sleep but goodness knows when i will get a decent nights sleep!! anyway it took me til J was over 9 months so you have plenty of time yet!! x

  23. Jennypaulin

    thanks Emma. to be honest thats how it was after Burton we had just started to have sex when i fell pregnant again!! never been so celibate!! you will work it out i am sure when the time comes again xx

  24. Excellent post, I wonder if you should write another follow up… maybe you have?
    I do think we can very easily loose our way and identity when we have children, I know I did.
    Thank you for linking up The Ana Mum Diary x

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