1. What a lovely Christmas and a super train track. You are very lucky getting a KenWood Chef, I’ve had mine for about 15 years and love it. I discovered while playing Trivial Pursuit over Christmas that they were desiigned by someone called Ken Wood!

  2. thank you. i used to have my mums ken wood chef which she has when she first got married but i got rid of it about 5 years ago which I regretted because it still worked it just took up so much space! and i didn’t know it was designed by Ken Wood!

  3. jessies_online

    ooh can’t wait to see what the cake pop maker is like, I’m very intrigued by that one!
    Sounds like you had a great Christmas….it is over quicker & quicker every year!

  4. i know i want to use it but have been eating too many chocolates!! i had a cook book with it so will give it a go very soon and of course blog about it! x

  5. Gorgeous Photos hun- sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, I just love seeing everyone’s photos and being nosey!  I did a very similar post on Christmas time too. xx

  6. caro_mad

    I got a cake pop book, too. Just have to get a maker now as I got a cupcake maker instead 🙂 New cake pop linky lol

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