1. Gemma

    I have two girls, and when I was pregnant with my third almost everyone said “I bet you hope this one’s a boy” and “fingers crossed for you that this one’s a boy” when I didn’t care either way.  Like you say,  all most parents care about is having a healthy baby.  Although, I did have the odd comment of  ‘ I bet you hope it’s not ginger’ as my other half has red hair. CHEEK!!  Again, this didn’t bother me one bit! Anyway, we did have a boy – and now people tell me that there’s no need for me to have any more children! There’s that decision made then.

  2. emsyjo

    It’s annoying isn’t it, I’m asked all the time if I’m having another which isn’t too bad as I only have one but would drive me nuts if I already had two, and to ask if you want another to try for a girl is just rude – what would be wrong with having 2 boys!

  3. I have three boys and when the youngest was newborn the amount of people who said ‘bet you are disapointed it’s not a girl’ was huge and then people would ask me if I was planning #4 to try for a girl… we always talked about having four children but we wouldn’t be having #4 just to try for a girl (and in fact I’ve started telling people that if #4 is a girl then I’d have a fifth just to prove a point!)

  4. We get the same. I love our boys and we’re contemplating a 3rd and although it would be nice to have a girl, this isn’t the reason for having another and I’m not really sure what it would be like. I love having 2 boys and I completely forgot we didn’t know the sex of Chubs when he was born! Also, since my blog is life, love and living with boys, I’d have to have a re-think on that one 😀

  5. If anyone had asked me if I was disappointed to have had another boy, I think I would have screamed. I adore my boys and wouldn’t swap them for the world. I don’t fancy having to deal with teenage girls but we’ll see if I change my mind when the boys hit their teens!

  6. A lovely an honest post. Having 2 boys myself I understand this. I however would love another, both my husband and I feel there is one missing. Yes I’d love to have a girl but I would love a boy too. My boys are such good friends I am so pleased I had boys and love them to bits. I wasn’t sure about having boys since I had never been around little boys but they are great and I wouldn’t change a thing. Time will tell. xx

  7. People really don’t think sometimes! When we had our first, we were told we were expecting a son, but when a daughter came out so many people asked my husband if he was disappointed! He would find it so frustrating as of course he was thrilled we were both healthy and loved showing his gorgeous baby off.

    Now we’re expecting #2 and have been told boy again (after triple checking) and people are telling us that’s us done then as we’ve got the ‘dream’. Well thanks, but our dream has always been 3 healthy children, not bothered about gender. I hope they won’t be too disappointed if we have another or, shock, have another girl and shatter the dream scenario. (Yes, we have lots of neutrals at the ready.)

  8. I think your last sentence sums it up!  I’ll have two boys but always wanted three children anyway so I was really happy to find out I was having another boy, but with number three… will I be so happy if it’s another boy?  Three boys running around?  Gosh, I don’t know!  I wouldn’t try for a fourth just to get a girl though.  I consider myself lucky to have had the children I have been given 🙂  Great post!  And well done for losing the baby weight in 7 months, it took me two years and then I got pregnant again!! x

  9. Msissa

    Oh it’s so annoying, isn’t it? And rude! Luckily, no one who knows us has dared to say anything so ridiculous to us – they probably learnt their lesson when they asked when we were planning to have children and I told them its be when Mr Issa got bored of my perfect-looking fanjo..!
    I’m so proud to be mum to my two boys, but I can’t imagine feeling any different if I had girls or a mix instead. We mums are all so lucky 😀

  10. It annoys me beyond belief, how very rude of them. I’ve got my son and he’s marvellous. I *would* like to have another, but am apprehensive. Yes, before having children one of each would be nice, now I think two the same would be better because it means they are more inclined to play with each other. But in all honesty? I’d be grateful for another child regardless of their sex.

    I’m currently getting ‘are you having another one?’ questions which I think is bloody rude. None of their business whether I am or not!

  11. When I found out I was pregnant, I (like you) secretly wished for a girl.  When I found out I was having a boy, I wasn’t disappointed.  It’s more about having a healthy and happy baby.  When I think of having another baby (at some point) and about what gender we may have, I have no preference at all. – which surprises me a little.  I have people asking me all the time about when we’re going to have another – and to be honest, I find it quite rude – especially since they don’t know about our own personal circumstances!

  12. i think you are right, it is no ones business but your own whether it be the first , second or third child, and so on,  you are having – it is a private decision between you and your partner. thanks for commenting xx

  13. it is impertinent of people to ask and it goes for you and your situation too. it doesn’t matter how many children you have or what sex they are – its no one’s decision but yours!!
    thank you for commenting x

  14. i think that 3 boys running around would be just as manic as having say 3 girls arguing over clothes and make up or 3 siblings of mixed genders fighting over toys! i think we get used to dealing with whatever we are dealt in life.
    Mind you, i look forward to seeing if you will still want another after you experience what having two is like! 😉 heehee xxthank you for commenting xx

  15. yes i think a girl or a boy is a blessing and like you i wasn’t sure what having boys would be like having no experience of these things !! but i am so pleased now. i hope you have another soon lovely. thank you for commenting x

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