1. I can totally understand what you’re saying. I’d love it if OH could say the house looks nice or what I made was nice but he usually Is zoned out or staring at his phone so I prompt him by saying stuff like “is it not nice?”…it would be so great if he could acknowledge it!

  2. I feel exactly the same way as you. I don’t mind doing it (that much) but it would be nice to get some praise or at least feel appreciated. When I am pre-menstrual I make a fuss about my OH doing a few things to make life easier which he says he will do but then he forgets after a couple of days and it makes it pointless me saying anything. Good luck! x

  3. I really do feel the same, in fact I could have written this post 🙂 Some days I quite enjoy cleaning but generally I do it because I have to. It would be lovely to feel appreciated a bit more sometimes. Husband is quite good at doing things if I ask but generally its me. I think its important to bring all children up nowadays to be clean, tidy and independent so good luck with it all xx

  4. Jennypaulin

    It’s nice that your hubby will at least do some things if u ask him! it’s nice to know i am not alone!!mxx

  5. Jennypaulin

    I think everything feels far worse when we are hormonal!! Like you say, just the odd thank you would be nice wouldn’t it? thanks for commenting xx

  6. 1978rebecca

    Brilliant post. I am so with you. Had a big sob about the housework at the weekend. Everywhere was just such a mess. It hasn’t got much better. It’s just such a chore.

    I think this is our duty for boys and girls. I am rubbish at housework and that’s because I never had to do any. Though of course I’m very grateful for that. I appreciate my mum more every day!
    By the way would love you to link up to my bad day linky. I think this fits. It’s open all week. 

  7. Jennypaulin

    Thanks for commenting. I know what you mean about it all bcmong too much sometimes – just makes me want to scream!! I helped my mum out quite a bit when I was younger. It’s still a chore and I hate it!!
    I would love to link up, thank you xx

  8. jessies_online

    I’ve had enough of it now…I don’t think the weather helps, I feel much more like cleaning when the sun is shining. It’s a never ending task & there just doesn’t seem enough hours in the day to do it all. It doesn’t get any easier when they get older, they moan about helping & they make more mess – and why is it that everyone puts clean clothes in the wash just because they can’t be bothered to put them away!! grrrr

  9. I am like you, my son will not be raised to be a lazy and inconsiderate male. I’m very lucky because generally hubby is good. I told him when he proposed “I will never do the washing up, I hate it with a passion!” and he agreed to that. I think in ten years of marriage that I’ve washed up (aside from The Boy’s baby stuff when I was on maternity) about 15 times? I also don’t do bins, that’s a man’s job. I of course load the dishwasher and empty it, but he does any residual dishes every night, and checks all the bins over. I do the cleaning, washing and ironing. My carpets are not necessarily as clean as they could be but with a part-time job and a child frightened of the hoover, I have little time to keep on top of it.

    You’re right, keeping a house is a bloody difficult job and those that do it (men or women) deserve more credit.

  10. Jennypaulin

    Wow your hubby kept his word!! Lucky you. I didn’t realise the of was scared of the Hoover – that restricts you using it doesn’t it? I do the bins!! Thanks for commenting x

  11. Jennypaulin

    The only time I like cleaning is when OH has pi**ed me of and then I take out my frustration that way!! It doesn get any easier as they get older I am sure because the mess is greater and the excuses . Housework sucks really, I love it when I have cleaned but it soon gets wrecked again!! *sighs*
    Thanks for commenting x

  12. themadhouse

    It is a man thing, they just do not see it.  I was and still am really stick with MadDad and the boys.  MadDad has a list of jobs that are his to do and the boys have to tidy too.

    I think that having clear expectations of them helps.  That way they can not forget, so even writing it down helps

  13. Ella

    I hear you , also why am I doing homework with my eldest, then reading with the middle one. Followed by laundry then making dinner. While my husband watched tv with the baby on his lap? Fair division of labour ? I think not.
    I will also bring up my boys to do better.

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