1. Ella

    Funny you just totally reminded me about country dancing, must have repressed that memory. Recently while pregnant with Sicily my eldest asked me how the baby got there, while we ate out at the Harvester !

  2. Helen

    If I remember rightly I think I flashed myself to a boy too! I just hope my kids are more sensible than I was!
    Lve your new blog header…gorgeous pics! X

  3. ha ha!! This made me laugh, well the “flash my fanny” bit did.
    A boy at Primary school gave me a note and said “I want to sex you when we are 18”. Nice.
    What was wrong with Colin Eatwell?
    (also love your new blog header, Burtons one looks almost like a school photo :-D) xx

  4. Jennypaulin

    The word fanny makes me giggle lol. Colin was ok (he is wearing the red and White striped sweater) better than Stewart Gurr (stood on outside of Christian) but Christian was the prize i guess!
    Thanks for commenting on my blogger too – been busy trying to get my blog looking tidier xx

  5. Jennypaulin

    I am not surprised we share flashing in common aftrall we both had such great hairstyles didn’t we?? Lol
    Thanks for commenting on my new header – couldn’t resist using those photos. Xx

  6. I guess the most flashing I did was handstands, and remember my sex education from my mother telling me not to do handstands in front of the boys if I didnt want a baby….oohh the good old 1960’s

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