1. plasticrosaries

    We’ve been getting the “why are you stuffing things in my mouth” face for a couple of weeks now but breakthrough this week! She decided she likes the spoon and will stuff it in herself, which helps considerably! I’m convinced she’s swallowing nothing but nappies tell me other wise!
    Good luck 🙂 x

  2. Exciting times! William is 21 weeks tomorrow so starting to think about the same. Am holding off a bit out of laziness! Super photos by the way. He’s a handsome chap.

  3. Jennypaulin

    How old is your little one? Their faces are funny arent they? Jenson had his first nn breast milk poo today I saw carrot lol. Good luck to you too and thank you for commenting xx

  4. plasticrosaries

    Pleasure! She’s getting old haha – 25 weeks today :)! The nappies are getting scarier and scarier! x 

  5. Jacqueline_LittleTums

    Such a wee cutie. Time just flashes by and it seems ages since I was at this stage with my wee boy, but it isn’t that long really.

    Little Tums

  6. Mine doesn’t like spoon feeding too much. He loves biting things himself so we do a bit of a combination if purees and BLW. BLW scares me though!

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