Royal Green Omega 3 Algae Oil

Having had two babies now, the last of which was 19 weeks ago, I am well aware of how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle for both Mum and her unborn baby throughout her pregnancy. Eating the right foods, I believe, really can make a difference to your babies development inside the womb.


DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is part of the Omega-3 fatty acid and as we all know plays an essential role in the well being of our eyes, heart and brain. DHA is crucial for the development of the brain, eyes and nervous system and it has been proven to help maintain a healthy pregnancy, and this is especially true in the third trimester when the unborn baby undergoes major growth. Not only is DHA important before a baby is born, but between birth and the age of 5 the brain grows 3-5 times approximately in mass! Therefore, it is crucial that little ones receive the correct amount of DHA to support this development, afterall it aids concentration, learning and memory. All essential skills.

According to a 2003 study carried out in the Paediatrics Journal it was claimed that children with mothers who took a DHA supplement had higher IQ’s at the age of 4 than mothers who didn’t. Furthermore, in 2004, another test was carried out in the Child Development Journal who found that 6 month old babies whose mothers took a DHA supplement were 2 months ahead of babies whose mothers had lower DHa levels. It also discovered that by the second year of their lives they had significant advanced attention as well.

Royal Green has carried out extensive research into the best way of gathering Omega-3 which is also the purest, from a vegetable source. With the Omega-3 Algae Oil they have found just that. It has not been obtained from fish and is therefore free from any possible contamination from the ocean – so removes any high mercury levels fears! A factor which is very important whilst pregnant! Instead the algae is grown in pure fermentation tanks and harvested and transformed into Omega-3 oil at the correct time. Environmentally friendly, this Royal Green supplement is cultivated in sustainable GM certified areas and is able to offer the following guarantees:

100% vegetarian
0% chemicals
0% trans fatty acids
0% after taste


I was sent a sample of this supplement which was too late to trial whilst pregnant with Jenson. However, I am breast feeding him and according to Royal Green my baby can receive DHA via my breast milk! So no harm in trying I thought, afterall it sounds like a great product. Now having used this oil for the last 4 weeks I can confirm that it doesn’t leave an after taste – which is a relief really because cod liver oil always repeats on me whenever I have taken it as a supplement leaving a horrid fishy taste in my mouth! Obviously, being just over 4 months old it is impossible to tell whether Jenson is benefiting from me taking the oil, but who knows maybe I am raising a future brilliant mind! Watch this space!! As it also claims to be great for senior people as it can assist with memory, I am expecting my baby brain to have improved significantly 🙂

Seriously though, as parents the health and well being of our children is our priority from the moment we see that positive pregnancy test result. So if these supplements can aid our Childrens development then I highly recommend them.

Royal Green Omega-3 Algae Oil is available to buy from good health supplement stockists and retails for £32.99 for 60 vegicaps. For further information visit


I have a pack of Royal Green Omega-3 Algae Oil supplement to give away. All you need to do is:

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