1. Awwww He is adorable. Glad to hear you are getting a little more sleep now…Its sooooo exhausting at first isn’t it.
    There are 13mths between my two boys and at times it was like having twins tearing around but it was also great because they always played together and wanted the same toys etc. However now they are young men they are so so completely different from one another x

  2. Kathryn Brown

    Fabulous pictures; he’s obviously coming on a treat. I know I could never have another baby because I really need my beauty sleep!

    CJ xx

  3. Jennypaulin

    It certainly is exhausting!! The age gap between your two boys is small – you must have had your work cut out! Xx

  4. Fishfingers4tea

    I really can’t believe Jenson is 8 weeks! That’s just flown by! Gorgeous boy and he looks so happy in the bath 🙂

  5. LinzW1976

    This came up as a “you might also like”. Tyler was 8 weeks yesterday! Look at Jenson, so little, ahhhh! This reminds me how quickly they grow and change. It only seems like yesterday that you were pregnant again! Lovely post, really nice to read now I’m in the same place 🙂 xx

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