1. jessies_online

    ha ha you do have some funny tales! Imagine if you had ended up staying together, people would never believe you if you told them you had met on the Motorway!!!

  2. Jennypaulin

    Ha ha I know – what a story to tell! I think I thought that while I was waiting for the two of them to pick us up ! X

  3. wendymcd

    Great hats!  And what a story!  The things we all got up to when we were younger!!  I’ve never been picked up on a motorway before though!!!

  4. Hahaha brilliant!  I can always relate to your stories – must be because we are the same age.  It’s amazing the things we used to get up to isn’t it?  I love the fact they wrote you a number on the motorway 😀 What a great story xx

  5. I can barely believe that’s you in that photo, you look so different in it (think it’s the eyebrows?). I love how funky you were, I’d definitely have been trying to be your mate in university! And I think I have a very similar story to you, only my friend and I chucked them out of the house, throwing various bits of clothing and their shoes after them. BOYS!

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