1. Lovely photo’s. I remember the little one was the same. She loved to sleep on her stomach and I was too scared to do that overnight. I often stayed up till midnight with her asleep on me (often missed dinner too!) and was up again at 4am in the same position. I probably should have stayed on the sofa lol

  2. I cant believe he is 4 weeks already! Time really does fly by! I’m so frightened that with a 2nd I wont have enough time to take in how quickly they change unlike you do with your first! Glad he’s thriving so well!

  3. themadhouse

    He is adorable, but I am not suprised you are shattered, try and get you both into the bedtoom, it will make things so much easier, I co-slept when mine didnt sleep

  4. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Hayley. Time does seem to have passed by more quickly this time around which is a shame. Its different the second time as you just don’t have the time to dedicate to them like you did with your first. X

  5. Jennypaulin

    Thank you! Its amazing how much time you can spend just holding them they are so small – not quite the same when you have two as the older one needs your attention too! Sofa sleeping is not as comfy though. X

  6. Oh my gosh this has just given me goosebumps and made me teary eyed!! What a lovely post.

    In a non-weirdy kind of way I am really excited to see a breastfeeding photo! I love seeing them and when this baby is here I’ll be joining you and posting loads!

    Burton and Jenson are both so cute, and you have amazing taste in names!

    I’m with you on the sleeping, Charles hated his moses basket and we slept on a futon in the spare room for three months. I’m hoping the new baby likes the moses basket although I really don’t mind co-sleeping in the spare room.

    I really look forward to the next update xx

  7. He is scrummy! And yes, it is really scary how quickly they grow and change. Sounds like you are coping really well and I hope you start getting more sleep very soon x

  8. He is so gorgeous, it’s making me broody all over again!
    I slept on our sofa for a while with Hanna as she would only sleep upright on me for very short naps, but at 6 weeks went from these short naps to sleeping through the night so fingers crossed you will start getting some more sleep very soon

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