Well Start Child Development Software – A Review

Just over a month ago, I was asked to review the Well Start Child Development Software. Whether you are a first time parent or already have a child this tracker software is an excellent way of keeping a record of your child’s/children’s development. The aim of this new software is to keep parents up to date, fully informed and reassured about what to expect in the development of their child/children. The development can start as early as conception, through to the pregnancy and the child’s early years. Well Start makes it easy for parents to develop a brilliant digital record of their child developments and achievements and how they grow up.

Being able to store all this information about my children all in one place sounded like a fantastic idea, so for the last month now, I have been using the Well Start software to record Burton’s development. The programme sits on my task bar and once I click on it to start it up it looks like this on the screen – very neat!

For this of you who don’t know, I have a 19 month old boy already and am expecting my second child in April so once I logged onto this software I was shown this menu

So once you fill in the details of your current and or future child, eg, date of birth, birth weight, name etc… you are able to upload a photo and then their record is complete and you can start using the development tracker. It is actually VERY self explanatory and easy to find your way around the tracker, even my poor baby brain managed to use this software!!

The calendar is an excellent tool, although it does take some dedication on your part to fill it in and keep it up to date.

It is probably easier if you are beginning to use this software with a newborn or from when you are pregnant, because some of the medical or development records and achievements it asks about, have already happened with Burton

and trying to remember dates is hard if you hadn’t kept great records on paper previously.

However, with a new baby on the way I think this software really will be easier for me to track and plan and record it’s stages because I can do it as I go along, rather than back track on some of it which is what have found a little with Burton’s tracker. A great thing about the calendar though, is that you can list any appointments your child has, which is handy when you are a tad forgetful like me! Also, when an achievement or development stage is undertaken by your child you can upload photos and or video footage to keep as another record and reminder of your child’s growth.

A definite plus of the Well Start software, is that the information at your disposal is provided by medical professionals, knowledge you can trust and be reassured by. The online child development resources part of the software connects you to the ‘baby centre’ webpage which is great as it has so much information you can read up on. I have been using this website since I found out I was expecting Burton and I still use it to look up questions I may have about his development even now.

Overall, I would really rate this software because it is easy to use and it is an excellent record of your child’s progress. However, personally I think it will be better to use from the start of a child’s life and I will look to do this with my next baby because it is a great format and will be wonderful to look back on and have all it’s development stages all in one place.

Well Start only costs £9.98 and is available to use on both PC and Mac. It is great value for money. For more information please go to Wellstart where you can preview the software for free.

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Thank you xx


  1. Becky

    What a great review. I’d been asked to check this out and had been stalling a little as overloaded. You have inspired me to try it out! Thansk Jenny

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