Keeping on Top of Family Mess

If you’re running a busy household, then staying on top of the mess can be a never-ending task. In some parts of the house, said mess is often generated faster than it can be reasonably dealt with; just think of the hallway, which most of the time serves as a dumping ground for messy boots, footballs and boogie boards. If you’ve got a particularly furry pet in the household, then things get even trickier!

So, I thought it might be worth sharing a few of the tips that’ll help you keep the situation under control.

Get everyone else on board

First, let’s say that there’s no sense in leaving all the tidying duties to one person. That’s not fair, and in the long run it won’t be effective. When everyone is responsible for a portion of the tidying, then you’ll probably find that they make an effort to generate a little less mess. If you see that someone is lounging on the sofa, having just deposited a dirty sweatshirt on the floor several metres from the washbasket, then don’t tidy up for them – just draw their attention to their error. 

Go minimal

The more stuff you have littering your living spaces and corridors, the more difficult it will be to spot and remove the stuff that doesn’t belong. An intensive few hours of de-cluttering can help to make a space seem brighter, more open, and easier to stay on top of.

Provide Storage

Everything should have a home. That way there can be no ambiguity about things not being where they ought to be. Invest in a few baskets and tubs for umbrellas, paperwork and other things to be tossed into. Shoes can be placed onto racks, and coats and hats onto hooks – but only if you’ve got said racks and hooks sited in some suitable place. Cotswold Co Interiors provide a range of tasteful solutions that’ll get the job done.

Sort your Recycling

If you want to make the best use of waste paper, then keep your paper recycling bin right next to the front door. That way, every menu and leaflet that gets wedged through your letterbox can go directly into the bin, rather than finding its way onto your coffee table in sections.

Provide a place to put dirty things

If you find that you’re often returning to the house with muddy feet, then you’ll need somewhere to scrape that mud off, and to dump the offending footwear. This space might be the front porch – or the garage. 

Vacuum regularly

Some of the mess your family will create is too small to be picked up and tossed in a nearby bin. Those stray hairs and dust particles will, if they’re allowed to, accumulate to the point that they not only look unsightly, but cause health problems, too. Invest in a powerful, cordless vacuum, and set up a rota to deal with the chore.

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