Project 365, 2016. Week 42

I am actually pleased it is half term, because the last couple of weeks have been crazily busy and I for one could do with a rest! Although having woken up with a bad cold, I am now thinking this is not great for a week off with my energetic boys!

I did not take a photo every day – so I am posting a selection of ones taken during the week instead. So here is what we got up to:

Jenson trying on some winter wear in Fat Face – he loved how soft it was and the colour and fox design!

A walk around Whistleland Pound with the dog


Burton volunteered to take part in a local cross country event with his school – he is the one wearing a pale blue tee shirt just behind that boy in the red, white and black. 


Amazingly, Burton came 6th out of 150 year 3 boys which was brilliant if not surprising as I had no idea he could run! Here he is afterwards enjoying a well deserved rest.


Enjoying the sky at dusk


No inform day on Friday for Stand Up to Cancer day where the kids were asked to wear black and / or orange , Burton went as Emmett although the onesie is a tad snug now!!


Copper loves having his fur dried with a hair dryer after a shower!! It looks like he is smiling here. 



  1. Well done Burton. 6th out of 150 is pretty good. I’ve been living for half term too as I need a break too. I think the children are tired too.

  2. That was a good result from the cross country event, well done Burton.
    Lilly hates the hair dryer, love the expression on Cooper’s face.
    Am a lover of Fat Face stuff, washes and lasts well.

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