Project 366, 2016. Week 7


So half term has almost ended – this week has gone by far too quickly, and although we have done quite a bit, it would have been nicer to have had a couple more (dry!) days. Still, there is only a month until the Easter holidays!!

Here is what we got up to this week:

Sunday – as a treat for having such brilliant parent consultations, we took the boys to the Coombe Martin Dinosaur and Wildlife Park which was fun but freezing!

Monday – we spent the day at home doing crafts, playing and watching a film.

Tuesday – I took the boys off early to Haldon Forest to do the Stick Man trail. I think we brought most of the forest home with us too

Wednesday – it rained all day! We stayed in and did Lego building and drawing and then went to a party this afternoon. Bath time involved glow sticks !

Thursday – we went to Crow Point for some sand dune sliding, rock climbing and playing pirates!

Friday – Mum and Nanny came for the day and despite the drizzle we still went to the park and fed the ducks

Saturday – swimming this morning and lazing around this afternoon while it is raining again! Minions Frustration has been played a LOT this holiday and today has been no exception


  1. sarahmo3w

    It sounds like you’ve had a really rainy week, but you still managed to have fun. I love the photo with the boat – the boys really look like kings of their castle!

  2. I’m impressed with how much you’ve managed to get out this week, it has been so cold and rainy hasn’t it? Love the pirate ship photo, looks like brilliant fun!

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. ourlittleescapades

    It looks like you spent a lovely week together. I think I need to look into the minions game for my little boy #project365

  4. hijackedbytwins

    Looks like you have all had a great week. I love the picture of the boys on the beach with the shipwreck. Hope you have a good week x

  5. Sounds like you have had a great half term despite to bad weather! At least it’s a really short few weeks until Easter and a much longer holiday!

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