Those Special and Not So Special Deliveries


Since I started accepting reviews on my blog, I have never been so popular with the courier services!! There are not many days that I do not recieve a parcel by post, and I have to admit that it still makes me smile when I see a package with my name on waiting for me in the porch, or in the hands of a delivery man ready for me to open up and peek inside! Well, lets be honest, it beats getting bills!

However, when you are a blogger you do receive some strange aswell as wonderful packages in the post and sent by a courier. It always makes me wonder why PR send crisps in a padded envelope, for example, because more often than not they arrive here crushed! I have also been sent parcels that I was not expecting, which while lovely sometimes they can be very random. Like back in December, I found myself to be in receipt of some peaches, nectarines and a mug!!

I asked some fellow bloggers to share what weird, random or amazing parcels they have had delivered to them:

An empty plastic pot with my name on from Dyson to have my dust analysed. It cost £8 to send and it was worth about 20p…

A shopping centre sent me a carved pumpkin, to publicise their Halloween family activities. It was a Godsend, as we’d just returned from our October half-term holidays and the local shops were sold out of pumpkins

I once got some vegan condoms in the post. It was a competition win.

Some biscuiteers iced biscuits that said with love, from friends. I had just lost my Mum, was sick of flowers dying too. I have been addicted to sending their biscuits ever since. There is something about a sentiment you can eat afterwards

Back in 2011 I was a little freaked out by a parcel that came via DHL, it said pet carrier and I was very worried by what had been sent to me. It turned out to be a good stunt parcel from a PR for Persil and was a pet (cuddly) rabbit. I love it when a brand is creative.


Kelly  Innes sent me some miniature Jelly teddies through the post once and they really cheered me up.

Was a letter with a cheque the entire deposit for my first house form someone helping me out when my dads was terribly ill and i was moving to be near him. Astounded. Only request being when I could, I always help others

Best one I’ve had was the parcel of British sweets and biscuits that you lot sent me when I’d just moved to Tassie made me feel very loved.

A brown padded envelope filled to the brim with teabags (not in a box or anything). I had just moved to Copenhagen and my Mum thought it would save on postage

What is the best/worse parcel you have received?

One Comment

  1. These are bizarre. A box of cereal you can buy in the shop is my craziest one I think. You do get sent some bizarre stuff x

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