Burton’s 1st Day Of School, Year 1 ( Flashback Friday)

So today, well this morning, Burton returned to school ready to start year 1 . For those who have been reading my blog for a while, you will recall how emotional I found him starting school last year, and how I spent most of last summer trying to hold back tears  whenever I thought about him going. This year, I have not cried, although I could if I really stopped and thought about it , especially last night, and then again this morning as I waved him goodbye in the playground as he lined up to go in to school with his new teacher, looking a little bewildered.

To be honest I kind of understood how Burton felt, because I have no idea how different year 1 will be to reception, I have not met his new teacher (only as she passed us in the line this morning) officially and I have not even been inside his new classroom or seen his new peg that he will hang his bag and coat on. It is so different to how it was last year, when I walked Burton into class so we found his peg together, the place to put his lunch bag and I knew where his tray was, where he kept his water bottle and the layout of his classroom. This year it feels a little alien because I do not know what to expect – I mean he may not have done either, but he does now. Silly of me I am sure, but it is just strange not knowing.

I think what saddens me – and freaks me out! – the most about Burton returning to school this time, is how fast this last year has passed. I find it incredible that it has been almost 12 months to the day since Burton went to school for the first time , and to think that in the same amount of time again, Jenson will be off too!!! Both my boys will be at school! Bloomin’ heck! Time, please, please slow down!

Anyway, before we got in the car we took the obligatory first day back to school photos and even Jenson joined in !


It honestly feels like just 5 minutes ago, that this 4 year old boy was stood on the same doorstep having his picture taken


Ok, so NOW I am feeling all emotional again!!!

How was your child/children’s first day back?


This post was brought to you as part of Flashback Friday mummy mishaps

I am also joining in with this weeks The Gallery

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery


  1. Oh the on of both of them made me cry! Leo is back next monday but STILL in pre -primary when most of his friends are going up to big school, makes it easier though as he’s got the same teacher who he loves. The big thing though is that my Mum offered to pay for Louka to go if I want him to (to nursery) EEEEKKK!! Although I’ve always been thinking I wouldn’t be sad as I really struggled with Louka until recently the sudden thought that the baby years are all over was quite a shock! If Louka goes, it has to be full time like school too, still not sure yet!

  2. I felt exactly the same! Reception was a year full of emotion and although I coped better with Year 1, I did feel like I didn’t know anything when he first went – I didn’t know his teacher, his classroom or what he would be doing! This year has been different again with E starting a new school though he started yesterday and it seemed to go well and he is happy to go back today so it is all good! Gorgeous photos!

  3. Aww lovely photos. Well I had Miss C start school a few weeks ago and it was strange not having her here all day but she’s enjoying school and seems to be settling in well. Time really does go too fast though x

  4. Oh, now you’ve got me welling up, and I was doing so well. My boy went into Year 1 as well this week and same as you, I found it really strange to just say goodbye in the playground and not take him into his classroom and settle him in. Already freaking out that next year I’ll be taking my girl into Reception. I’m going to need serious tissue supplies next year. Big hugs!

  5. The year has flown by hasn’t it. I hope he is settling into Year 1 ok. It is a lot different – eek harder, less playing.

    I think I may cry next year to see both your boys at school, that is if I can see beyond the tears of my oldest off to University – eek.

    Let’s hope for a very very slow year.

  6. Oh Gosh this post put a link in my throat. He looks so big in the uniform and I bet he will be loving but I would want to know everything about his classroom too. Z will be starting next year and I’ve got to apply for his school now. Feels so daunting and so quick!

  7. Aww what a big boy he looks now, his face shape has changed and slimmed down. I love that photo of the pair of them, cheeky little monkeys!

    I felt like you do now when The Boy started last year, and I was so disappointed that they would never welcome me in to be a part of his schooling, like they did other parents. I’m very lucky that now he’s in my school I know what’s what, and that I can even see him from my classroom window. Last week I was having a particularly rubbish day and went and grabbed a cuddle at lunchtime!

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